NCNWTF Wildlife Officer of the Year
On December 9, 2021, members of the NCNWTF had the honor of recognizing two deserving officers for their dedicated service to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Due to COVID-19 protocols, we were unable to hold an in-person award recognition last year for the 2020 recipient but were able to present the 2020 and 2021 winners with their commemorative plaques at the December NCWRC business meeting.
It is with great pleasure that we present Master Officer Nathan Cox of District 7 (2020 recipient) and Senior Officer Jenrette Springs of District 8 (2021 recipient) with the NWTF Wildlife Officer of the Year award.
Congratulations Wildlife Officer Cox and Wildlife Officer Springs for a job well done. You have our sincere thanks for all that you do.
2020 Recipient Master Officer Cox
2021 Recipient Senior Officer Springs