Our JAKES (Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship) program is dedicated to informing, educating and involving youth in wildlife conservation and the wise stewardship of our natural resources.
NWTF chapters provide youth ages 12 and younger chances to explore the outdoor world through fun events that help pass on the traditions of responsible hunting, teach the principles of habitat management, hunting ethics and safety.
Xtreme JAKES offers youth ages 13-17 opportunities and challenges more in line with their abilities and experiences. Xtreme JAKES learn to be responsible outdoorsmen and women through fishing, camping and other outdoor activities.
At NCNWTF, we believe you’re never too young to become a conservationist and learn how hunters and shooters play a vital role in wildlife conservation. For $10 a year, your child will receive a year subscription to JAKES Country magazine (4 issues), a chance to win a hunt of a lifetime, a membership card and membership decal.
Purchase youth memberships here.
FFA Wildlife Camp
White Lake, NC
JAKES Trailers
The NWTF's JAKES Take Aim program was made possible by a generous donation from Larry and Brenda Potterfield, founders of MidwayUSA. The goal of the JAKES Take Aim program is to present opportunities for youth age 17 and younger to try target shooting, clay target shooting and shotgunning in a safe, fun environment.
The NCNWTF graciously received 5 fully equipped airgun trailers to use during local JAKES and youth events. The trailer contains everything needed to set up an indoor or outdoor airgun range.
To request a trailer for your next event, complete the form found below.
For more information, contact Jason Huffstetler at: gjhuffstetlernwtf@gmail.com
JAKES Trailer Locations
Trailers can only be used for NWTF registered events.
Point of Contact: Jason Huffstetler
Phone: (704) 654-9989
Email: gjhuffstetlernwtf@gmail.com -
Point of Contact: Perry Bryant
Phone: (336) 374-0241
Email: pbryantjr@outlook.com -
Point of Contact: Henry Smith
Phone: (919) 422-1994
Email: hsmith1752@aol.com -
Point of Contact: Lester Todd
Phone: (910) 363-7710
Email: lester.todd432@gmail.com -
Point of Contact: Brent Phillips
Phone: (336) 451-4099
Email: bphillips@billblackauto.com
JAKES Trailer Request Form
Due to popular demand, submission of this form does not guarantee trailer availability. We will, however, make every effort to fulfill your request on a first come, first served basis.