North Carolina State Chapter
National Wild Turkey Federation
Latest News
Dedicated to conserving the wild turkey.
We, the North Carolina Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, share our national organization's mission statement: Dedication to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting heritage.
Upcoming events.
Each year, North Carolina NWTF chapters hosts a variety of events all across the state. Find an event near you.

Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt.
Each year we offer people opportunities to explore the outdoors through local hands-on events and hunts. Events are designed to pass on the traditions of safe, ethical hunting and teach conservation principals.
JAKES is dedicated to informing, educating and involving youth in wildlife conservation and the wise stewardship of our natural resources.
Women who seek outdoor adventures or more quality time with family and friends will find that connection through hundreds of events through our Women in the Outdoors program.
Wheelin’ Sportsmen is designed to to help people with disabilities enjoy the outdoors by participating in hunting and shooting sports.